
We needed to test ourselves to see what we know by using Prototec.

First, we had to choose our maths stage we are on. If you’re a year 4, you need to choose stage 5. If you’re a year 5, you need to choose stage 6. If you’re a year 6, you need to choose stage 7.

Next, we needed to use the timer to see how fast we could answer the questions correctly. Then, we used the sheet to see how many questions we answered correctly.

Afterwards, we needed to write down all of our incorrect questions in our maths books.

I really need to improve on taking a guess on every question I didn’t answer and answering the questions faster. This test type was the Timed. I did well on answering some of the answers quickly.

I did well on answering the questions without the timer because I had time answering the questions. I need to improve on knowing the factor mathtype. This test type was the Sheet.

I enjoyed this activity because I test myself to see what we know by using Prototec.. I did well on the sheet because I had time answering the questions. I really need to improve on the timer by  taking a guess on every question I didn’t answer and answer the questions faster.

Fact Families

We learnt Basic Facts.

First, we needed to type down our times tables which they are 4x, 6x, 7x, and 8x. We need to make 7 slides for 4x. We need to make 5 slides for 6x. We need to make 4 slides for 7x and we need to make 3 slides for 8x.

Next, we need to type down their Fact Families. For an example: 6 x 4 = 24, 4 x 6 = 24, 24 ÷ 4 = 6 and 24 ÷ 6 = 4. They are the 4x Fact Families.

Last, we needed to take a picture of counters that are groups of.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt Basic Facts. I did well on my times tables. I need to improve on knowing what is the difference between groups of and groups is.

Imagination Recount

We learnt how to write down a Imagination Recount.

First, we needed to brainstorm our main character, main plot, supporting characters and supporting events. We also needed to know what their names are and what our main character looks like. Our main character is James and our supporting characters are Billy Bob, Patricia, Kim, Sahil and Lee.

Next, we needed to draw a backward S and write down our plan. Our backward S needs to have a Title, Reveal, Event 1 2 3, and an Ending. Our reveal was the family running away from the zombies. Event 1, the family was trying to find their bikes. Event 2, there was a survivor at the petrol station. Event 3, everyone escape on the bike, but they encounter the horde.

Last, we needed to type down our ending of how is the life going now and how we felt.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to write down an imagination recound. I did well on typing down the events. I need to improve on typing down the ending.

South Pacific Beats

We learnt how to comprehend and make connection on the text.

First, we listened to Mr Wong reading page 5 and 6. After listening to Mr Wong reading, we needed to answer the questions in small groups.

Next, we needed to choose one of the reading methods which are shared reading, buddy reading and independent reading. We decided to choose shared reading. Shared reading is listening to the person who is reading. We listened to Mayshar reading page 7 and 8.

Last, we needed to agree each others ideas and we answered the question from the last two pages.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt stuff about drums. I did well on answering some of the questions. I need to improve on on knowing more information about drums.

T-Ball skills

We revised and learned more T-Ball skills.

First, we revised playing noodle tag so we could revise batting. In the noodle tag, there are four taggers which have the noodles. The taggers need to hold the noodle like they are batting and they also need to hit their legs like how the batters hit. If we get hit by the tagger we need to stand in one leg and wait for 10 seconds.

Next, Coach Cameron taught us that the bat and ball needs to be at out belly button, our feet needs to be straight in line and spread apart, our arms needs to be out straight at the contact point. and face sideways. We played T-Ball so we could revise batting. The fielder team can touch the batter when they are running to first base, second base or third base with the ball.

Last, we switched teams to play against another team.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt more T-Ball skills. I did well on throwing the ball. I need to improve on knowing who I need to throw the ball at when I’m a fielder.

SSR Selfie – Olivia´s Secret Scribble

I read 36 pages in 15 minutes.

The story was about that Olivia’s dog sometimes he gets into mischief. He always love to chew things and bury them in the garden. Bob always eats. He even steals snack off the table. He chases cats. Olivia have to invent a way to keep Bob out of trouble.

I enjoyed this book because im really looking forward to read these kind of books.

Commanding Conversation

I learnt what was Commanding Conversation.

I typed down a long descriptive conversation to describe the photo.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to type down a descriptive conversation. I did well on. typing down a descriptive coversation. I need to improve on checking my conversation if it make sense so people can understand it.

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a Speed Demon Challenge in Division.

I got all the answers correct and my finishing time is 5 minutes and 23 seconds. I enjoyed this activity because this make my skills going up. I did well on typing down the correct answers. I need to improve on still going faster.

T-Ball Field

We learned about different T-Ball skills. The skills we learned were hitting, running and throwing.

First, we played noodle tag for a warm up. In noodle tag, there are two taggers which they have the noodle. The taggers needs to hit our legs, if they hit our legs we needed to stand with one leg and wait until someone tag our hand.

Next, we played another game. We needed to roll the ball on the ground to the others team boundary.

After, we played a game called relay race. There were two teams, someone in the two teams needs to run in a square and the next person needs to run in a square.

Last. we played a game called T-Ball Field. There were two teams which they are fielders and batters. The batters need to hit the ball that is on the tee and run to the first base or second base or third base. The fielders needs to take the ball and throw it to the other fielder who was standing next to the first base or put it back on the tee.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt a new sport. I did well on running. I need to improve on catching the ball.


We made connection with our prior knowledge.

First, we used our prior knowledge to look what was the text about. Prior Knowledge is the information you know about a topic.

Next, we predicted what the text was gonna be about. We predicted that the text is about the South Pacific drum beats.

Last, we needed to answer the question by reading the text in buddys or single.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to make connection with our prior knowledge. I did well on typing down the answers. I need to improve on knowing how how sound are created in lali.