Category: Hanga | Create

Building a Catapult

LI: Practical build challenge to design and create a new newspaper model of a catapult.

For this week, we were creating a catapult. A catapult is a simple machine that was used to launch heavy objects at enemies with great force. These machines are used for militaries, battles or war. There are 3 main catapults, they are Trechubet, Mangonel, and Ballista. We had to be creative and build a catapult with newspaper and tape. Our catapult was inspired by the Mangonel. After we completed it, we tested out how far it could launch.

I found this activity enjoyable because it was fun how we using out creativity to build our catapults.

Taniwha Name

LI: Understand how culture connects with your name.

For this activity, we had to create a Taniwha Name. Therefore, we basically had to make our name blend into the Taniwha. First, we made a draft on our name on a paper. I made my Taniwha a different colour other than green because the colour green was the most common colour in Taniwha and I wanted to make different. The colour I chose were red, yellow, and blue. I also tried blending in my name, by using the eyes as an “i” and used the “n” as the nose.

I found this activity fun because this could help me with my creativity in Art.

Howick Historical Village

For this activity, we had to create a collage about our trip to Howick Historical Village. LS1 and LS2 went to the Howick Historical Village to explore the things that has been happening in the 1800s. Mrs Hallam gave us an introduction about the Village. Our first activity was Creating a Trolley, we got into groups and used the woods and materials that was on the side for us to construct a trolley. We also learnt that the mens were allowed to build and work in 1800s, meanwhile the ladies weren’t allowed, the ladies would’ve been watching the mens working or doing other stuff like sewing. Our second activity was Butter Making. We had the butter inside the jar, we added cream into it and used a tool called the “paddle” to mix it together. While we were mixing it, we sang a song which goes like “Churn Butter Churn. (Name) is waiting at the gate, waiting for some butter cake. Churn Butter Churn.” Lastly we went for a tour of the village, we took a look at some vintage items and learned the history behind some of the houses.

I found this activity interesting and memorable because there were some intriguing informations/histories about life in the 1800s and the collage could give us great memories being with our class.

Aretha Franklin’s Song RESPECT – Respect Care Awards

I’m currently working on achieving a Silver Respect Badge. For me to achieve this, I need to complete 5 tasks therefore it could help me strenghthen my leadership skills and connections to the CARE values. For this task I had to create a DLO about Aretha Franklin and her song called “RESPECT”.

I found this activity intruguing because I was quite interested to the informations I researched about her and her song.

Matariki Star

LI: To plan, design and create a class star for Matariki that tells a story

For this task, I had to create a class star design for Matariki. For this design, I decided to the night with the 9 stars representing the Maori Constellation. The little designs around it represents the Maori tools like the Hook, the Whale Tail, Pounamu know as the Greentone and the Pikorua. The Hook represents Strength and Prosperity. The Whale Tail represents Family Love and Harmony. The Pounamu represents Peace and Spiritual. Lastly, the Pikorua represents the Friendship and Loyalty.

I found this activity amusing because I enjoyed planning my own star design and writing the meaning on the designs.

Vision Board 2024

This is my Vision Board for 2024. I’m inspired by a women named “Sulieti Fieme’a Burrows”. She is from Tonga who makes beautiful Tapa Cloth in Auckland, she is really talented and creative with her work and she’s hardworking and manages herself well. My goal for this year is to take risks and try new things. Doing this could make me feel confidence of myself. To achieve this, I have to stay focused, work hard, and take responsibility for my belongings. My other goal for the future is to have more knowledge about the subjects that relates to my dream job.

I found this activity helpful because this could help us set up our goal for the future.

PBS Brochure – Respect Care Awards

I’m currently working on achieving a Silver Respect Badge. For me to achieve this, I need to complete 5 tasks therefore it could help me strenghthen my leadership skills and connections to the CARE values. For this task, I need to design a Brochure about Panmure Bridge School.

I found this activity helpful because this DLO could help to encourage parents to bring their kids to Panmure Bridge School.

Life in PBS – Respect Care Awards

I’m currently working on achieving a Silver Respect Badge. For me to achieve this, I need to complete 5 tasks therefore it could help me strenghthen my leadership skills and connections to the CARE values. For this task I had to create a Collage, showcasing our life being a student at Panmure Bridge School.

I found this activity helpful and enjoyable because it helps the school show the people around New Zealand see how it feels like being a student in Panmure Bridge School.

My Pepeha

LI: To write and say our Pepeha.

A Pepeha is introducing yourself in Maori. You introduce others who you are by sharing people, who your grandparents are, where they are from, and what year they came to New Zealand. For example, my ancestors are from Tonga, Ha’apai, my grandparents are Sela and Alamoti, and my ancestors came to New Zealand in the year, 1950. Writing a Pepeha could help us get to know more about each other, when getting to know others is helpful because it could help us strengthen our connections with others, create a sense of trust and make new friends.

I found this activity helpful because this could help us know more about each other and form friendships.

Tongan Kiekie

I completed a Kick-Start task from the Summer Learning Journey, for this actitivty I had to create my own kiekie.

A kiekie is a traditional clothing in the Tongan culture, its a type of clothing wrapped around your waist. People often wear their kiekie on formal events, like birthday parties, funerals, church, weddings, graduations and other special occasions. Wearing a kiekie and/or ta’ovala is an important way of showing respect and honour to others towards one another. A kiekie is really important to me and my family because it represents our culture.

This activity was enjoyable because it was about my culture, and I enjoy doing activities that are related to the Polynesian culture, especially my culture.