Tag: Inquiry

Building a Catapult

LI: Practical build challenge to design and create a new newspaper model of a catapult.

For this week, we were creating a catapult. A catapult is a simple machine that was used to launch heavy objects at enemies with great force. These machines are used for militaries, battles or war. There are 3 main catapults, they are Trechubet, Mangonel, and Ballista. We had to be creative and build a catapult with newspaper and tape. Our catapult was inspired by the Mangonel. After we completed it, we tested out how far it could launch.

I found this activity enjoyable because it was fun how we using out creativity to build our catapults.

Taniwha Name

LI: Understand how culture connects with your name.

For this activity, we had to create a Taniwha Name. Therefore, we basically had to make our name blend into the Taniwha. First, we made a draft on our name on a paper. I made my Taniwha a different colour other than green because the colour green was the most common colour in Taniwha and I wanted to make different. The colour I chose were red, yellow, and blue. I also tried blending in my name, by using the eyes as an “i” and used the “n” as the nose.

I found this activity fun because this could help me with my creativity in Art.

Treaty of Waitangi

LI: To explain what The Treaty of Waitangi is and why is it important to the people in Aotearoa.

For this task, we had to research about the Treaty of Waitangi and the reason why it’s important to New Zealand. The Treaty of Waitangi is an agreement between the Maori Chiefs and the British. There is also the three P’s, Protection, Partnership and Participation. We also looked at the Art of the Treaty from the 80s. We then read a book called “Te Tiriti o Waitangi” which is made by Ross Calman, Mark Derby, and Toby Morris. We thought of reason why the Treaty was important to this country, New Zealand.

I found this activity interesting because there was some intriguing facts and informations about the Treaty.

My Pepeha

LI: To write and say our Pepeha.

A Pepeha is introducing yourself in Maori. You introduce others who you are by sharing people, who your grandparents are, where they are from, and what year they came to New Zealand. For example, my ancestors are from Tonga, Ha’apai, my grandparents are Sela and Alamoti, and my ancestors came to New Zealand in the year, 1950. Writing a Pepeha could help us get to know more about each other, when getting to know others is helpful because it could help us strengthen our connections with others, create a sense of trust and make new friends.

I found this activity helpful because this could help us know more about each other and form friendships.

Māori Enterprise

LI: To explore early Maori enterprise in Aotearoa.

This week for inquiry we learnt about the Māori enterprise and how people had done trading’s in the 19 century. People had done trading’s in the 19 century by settling in areas with good access to resources. Some of the rescores going fishing, growing crops and collected resources. By doing this people would have access to trade things with something with equal or better value.

I found this activity interesting because I was able to learn how the Maori people would exchange their stuff for a better value.

Pablo Picasso Who am I?

LI: To use our smart searching skills for research.

For this inquiry, our topic researching about the famous artist Pablo Picasso. By using our smart researching skill we used the knowledge on the internet to create a DLO on personal information about him. Something I found interesting about Picasso was that he express his mood with his art and his painting style changes again and again throughout his life. For an example: His friend died, he felt very sad and spent years painting sad pictures with shades of blue.

I found this activity interesting because I found interesting informations about Pablo Picasso and what he has been through in his life.

Treaty of Waitangi

LI: To explore the world in 1840 and the art of the Treaty.

This week we looked at the what the world was like in 1840. Did you know in 1840, the Cunard Line took passengers accross the Atlantic from Britain to America using power of steam? After this we identified some of the key people and their role in the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. I found it interesting that when Henry Williams and his son, Edward had to translate English to Maori. We then used the information from both of these activities to help us read a painting of the day the treaty was signed. We used our knowledge to infer what the artist Marcus King might have wanted us to think was happening. 

I found this really interesting because the painting helped me tell what happened on the day the Treaty was signed so it could strengthen my inferring skills.


LI: To remember and give information about Kokako Lodge.

After camp, we created a brochure about information and highlights about our experiences at Kokako Lodge. We used our persuasive skills and gave reasons to why our audience would want to go. We used pictures to show what it is like at Kokako Lodge and what they have to offer.

I found this activity entertaining because we explained our audiences why they should go to Kokako Lodge so they could have a fun time there.

Kauri Dieback

LI: To gather statistics and protect the Kauri Tree from getting the Kauri Disease.

The following week after camp we did a research about the Kauri Dieback. Then we created a DLO about the Kauri Disease on how we can prevent it from destroying our nature. Though we can do things such as scrubbing our shoes to keep clean from the Kauri Trees to stop the disease from killing our tree. 

I found this activity helpful because it helps us explain what are Kauri Diebacks and what we can do to save them.

Research about Scurvy

LI: To understand what a balanced diet looks like and why it is important for human health.

For our first Inquiry topic for Term 2 we did a study about what a scurvy is, how can people get affected, and what can we do to avoid it. We wrote did you know facts to help us be able to learn about scurvy such as, Did you know Scurvy can lead you to a gum disease? Scurvy is caused by lack of Vitamin C for at least 3 months. I was mostly common for pirates/sailors.

I found this activity interesting because it helped me learn information about Scurvy and it makes me realize that I have to eat fruits and vegetables everyday.