Tag: Art

Taniwha Name

LI: Understand how culture connects with your name.

For this activity, we had to create a Taniwha Name. Therefore, we basically had to make our name blend into the Taniwha. First, we made a draft on our name on a paper. I made my Taniwha a different colour other than green because the colour green was the most common colour in Taniwha and I wanted to make different. The colour I chose were red, yellow, and blue. I also tried blending in my name, by using the eyes as an “i” and used the “n” as the nose.

I found this activity fun because this could help me with my creativity in Art.

Collaborative Art

LI:  To use different types of warm and cool colours to recreate a world-known painting from Van Gogh.

This week’s art is about Van Gogh and his famous art piece “The Starry Night”. The Class was divided into 2 groups of 16 people, 1 of each group remade “The Starry Night” in warm colours and cool colours digitally. Each group divided 16 pieces of the Starry Night with each person in the group. Working as a collaborative team we gathered all or pieces to 1 DLO to finally reach our desired outcome.

I found this activity fun and helpful because it helps us collaborate together as a team and get used to talking with different people.

Whale Tail

We drew our digital whale tail onto a paper.

First, we needed to practise shading to make the Whale Tail look like 3D.

Next, I needed to choose my colour. The colours I needed are Grey, Dark Black and Blue. I chose the colour Grey, Dark Blue and Black because it represents the colour of the whale and it represents sadness and the calmness of the whales. I chose to make a curve as a pattern because it shows the slow decrease in population. 

Last, I drew my digital whale tail onto the paper. I drew some curves around the Whale Tail and I coloured the colours I used inside the curves.

I enjoyed this activity because I drew my own whale tail design. I did well on drawing and colouring. I need to improve on shading to make it look 3D.

Anzac Quatrefoil

We created an Anzac Quatrefoil.

First, I need to practise drawing a silhouette on scrap paper. I need to draw a silhouette standing on the bottom right, another silhouette crouching on the bottom left. I also need to draw a cross in the middle and a flag behind it, a cross on the top left and another cross on the top right.

Next, I drew the two silhouettes on the quatrefoil paper, the 3 crosses and the flag that is behind the middle cross.

Last, I need to colour the background red and I need to colour the silhouette, cross and in black. I colour the flag blue and the handle grey.

I enjoyed this activity because I created an Anzac quatrefoil. I did well on drawing the silhouette. I need to improve on colouring.

The Quatrefoil

On week 5 we learnt how to make a Quatrefoil and information about Max Gimblett.

First, we needed to make 2 lines. The first line needs to me horizontally and the other line needs to be vertically. The 2 lines needs to be in the middle, if you see the red horizontally or vertically line that means its in the middle.

Next, we needed to add 4 circles. The first circle needs to be on the middle top and we need to put the circle if the red line horinzontally line appears and make the same thing on the other circles but we need to place them in a different place to make it look like a quatrefoil. Then you group them together.

Last, we can design what emotion we should make. There are so many emotions like Happy, Angry, Excited, Sad and others. My emotion was the sad personality.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt information about Max Gimblett. I did well on making the quatrefoil. I need to improve on knowing information about Max Gimblett.

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