Tag: Writing

Rewrite but don’t use…

LI: To use a wider range of variety vocabulary 

Today, we were challenged to rewrite a sentence without using certain letters, as well as keeping the same meaning. Thanks to WordHippo, which it’s a website that helps us discover a new different word. We were given 3 texts to rewrite and each text got really hard with certain letters that we couldn’t use. For example: We had to rewrite the text of “Humpty Dumpty” and the letters we couldn’t use were “A, L and K”. If you want to see our text, take a look at the next slide!

We found this activity challenging yet helpful because the words we used could be added into our vocabulary list!

Haiku Poem – Maui and the Sun

For this activity, we created Haiku Poem about the Maui and the Sun. We had to watch a story on how the Maui slowled the sun, we had to write 5 verses with 3 sentences in each of them. In a Haiku Poem, there is 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables on the second line and 5 syllables on the last line. A Syllable is a word that are broken into pieces and it contains a vowel, here is an example, Syl-la-ble.

I found this activity helpful because this could help me write poems.

Procedural Writing

LI: To write a set of clear instructions that shows how to make a Hangi.

Title: How to make a Hangi?

A Hangi is a traditional form of underground cooking for New Zealand Maori.

You will need:


  • Equipment/Materials
    • volcanic stones
    • shovel
    • paper
    • lighter
    • twigs/kindling
    • cloth sacks
    • metal basket (cooking tray)
    • hook tool
    • gloves
    • cylinder of water
    • leaves
  • Ingredients
    • vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, carrots, taro leaves, kumera, pumpkin)
    • meat (ox, chicken, beef, lamb, pork)


  1. Dig a hole for the food basket in it. (Make sure it’s a slightly bigger hole to fit the food basket)
  2. Collected twigs/kinding 
  3. Stack the iron and the woods to a Jenga way.
  4. Get a metal basket (cooking basket) for the foods and place tin-foil on it. 
  5. Light the twigs/kinding and the stones on fire with the lighter.
  6. When lighting the fire leave the fire to burn about 3 to 5 hours
  7. Get your meat ready while waiting, put your meat in the metal basket.
  8. If your Hangi finish burning, use your shovel to place the heated stones in the hole. 
  9. Soak 5 sacks into the cylinder of water
  10. Place it on the stones (Or you could use taro leaves)
  11.  Then carefully place your food basket into the Hangi (use gloves
  12. Place a wet sheet all over the food basket
  13. Cover the wet sheet and food basket with sacks
  14. Cover the hole with dirt and place it.
  15. Wait for 3 hours (While waiting, just make sure that everything is safe)
  16. Dig out the dirt and take out the wet sheets and sacks.
  17. Carefully take out the food basket

Safety Message: Make sure to stay around the oven and don’t leave it hanging.

Today we unpacked how to follow and write a set of instructions. To do this effectively your instructions need to be explicit and the steps to follow ordered. Each step begins with an instructional verb and should be written in a way that is easy to understand.

I enjoyed the roleplay because it was fun and easier for me when I’m instructing my partner on how to do something and what you need.

Key Competencies

LI: To create a comparison of the before and after experiences at camp.

Before camp, we wrote down what we would achieve at camp by using the acronym TRUMP. The letter “T” stands for Thinking which means you have to use your own thinking on things. The letter “R” stands for Relating to others which means you have to be kind to everyone and support each other. The letter “U” stands for Using language symbols and text which means you have to use appropriate language by using gentle words. The letter “M” stands for Managing Self which means you have to take care of yourself by following instructions and being responsible for your things. The letter “P” stands for Parcitipating and Contributing which means you have to communicate and collaborate with your group to have a good teamwork. These 5 words help us to remember when to use them in every activity. When we came back from camp, we wrote down how we used the key competencies for our belongings and in the activities. 

I found this activity useful because it tells us what key competencies we will need to use in our activities.

Moment in Time

LI: To recount and explore the learning and experiences from our Year 7/8 camp

Our group wrote a poem based on our senses like auditory, tactile, visual, and kinesthetic. We used our prior knowledge of the senses and unpacked different words and ideas that describes the Hunua Falls. These moment in time poems represent our experience at Kokako Lodge. One of our ideas were “The waterfall was falling down”. We then used word hippo to find more powerful words to strengthen our poems.

I found this activity helpful because it helps me find more powerful words to make my text more interesting. 

Explanation Writing

LI: To understand the structure and language features in an explanation

How did Goldilocks upset the bear family?

To upset someone is to make people unhappy, disappointed or worried. In the fairy tales Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Goldilocks made some problems that upsets the 3 Bears. Has anyone upset you before?

Goldilocks did not think of what might happen to other people if she consequently upset them by disrespecting their privacy. Goldilocks was certainly curious, so with this in mind she decided to enter the house. The smell of the porridge made her hungry, she felt the urge to try every single bowl of porridge as a result she found the one that was just right. In fact, Goldilocks destroyed the Bear’s property which she is not showing respect to the Bear’s property.  How would you feel if someone destroyed your property?

She felt tired when she finished eating. Otherwise she went into the bedroom. Goldilocks tried every until as a result she found one that was just right, the bed was so cosy and comfortable so she constantly fell asleep. This means that she is using the Bear’s property without asking or knowing it’s theirs. When the Three Bear’s came back, they were so shocked by what they saw. How would you feel if someone broke into your house?

If someone came into my house, I would be shocked. If someone destroyed one of our property, I would be angry and sad. If someone is sleeping on my bed, I would be disappointed.

To help us understand how to write an explanation we looked at the purpose, the structure (what it looks like) and the language features. An expalantaion tells us how or why something is the way it is. To help us understand this we learnt about cause and effect. Cause and effect is an action and a reaction. We used the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears to help us understand this. Here is our explanation that describes how Goldilocks upset the Bear family.

This activity was fun because I learned how to write an Explanation in a easier way.

Writing a story

I created a story.

First, I brainstormed what my main characters are going to be, their locations and the settings, and this story was inspired by The Red Riding Hood. For example: My main characters are John, Delilah, a Stranger, John’s Grandpa, Jane (John’s Mother). Then, I had to plan my story by using the Narrative Planner. The structure of a Narrative is TOPES.

Next, I started writing down my story. This story was about a boy and girl packing their basket and bringing it to their grandpa’s house but then a stranger came by, he asked them where they were going, then they told them that they were going. Then, he kidnapped their grandpa and then hid him somewhere.

I enjoyed this activity because I made a story. I did well on writing my story. I need to improve on planning.


The Structure for a Narrative Paragraph is TOPES.

T stands for Title. Title is the name of the story.

O stands for Orientation. Orientation is introducing the main characters and where the world is set in. For an example: There was a little girl, the Red Little Riding Hood who was going to visit her Grandmother because she was sick.

P Stands for Problem. Problem is showing the issue for the main character. For an example: There was a Big Bad Wolf that lives in the forest.

E stands for event. Event is explaining what is happening in the story. For an example: The Red Little Riding Hood was preparing food for her grandmother in a basket and then she began walking in the forest because that is where her grandmother lives.

S stands for Solution. Solution is how they solved the problem. For an example: Then the woodsman came and saved the Red Little Riding Hood and the Grandmother from the Big Bad Wolf.

Narrative can be used to write a story.

Formal and Informal

Formal is talking to people you don’t know. For an example: Formal is talking to people like bosses, reports, speeches, or application. Informal is talking to people you know. For an example: Informal is talking to people like friends or family members.

Formal language is writing a unique letter to your boss or for an application. For an example: In Formal language, the grammar is more complex and its more specific.

Informal language is writing a casual letter to your friends or family member. For an example: In Informal language, the grammar is casual and friendly.

Formal and Informal language is the way people talk.

How to write a Recount

End Result: Follow these instructions if you wanna learn how to write a Recount.


  • Chromebook
  • Paper and Pen/Pencil


  1. Think of a topic.
  2. Write the title so the reader could know what your topic is about.
  3. Write the reveal so the reader could know what you did or what you learned.
  4. Write what happened in the story and put it in time connectives like First, Next, Last. If you have more then 3 sentences, put Then and After.
  5. Write the ending telling why you enjoyed this activity, what you need to improve on and what you did well at.