Tag: PE


I learnt how to step up to an opponent.

First, Ahli demonstrates how to step on an opponent.

Next, we played a game called Stepping Relay. There are 4 teams and there are 6 people in each team. There are two cones and we need to try stepping over it quickly.

Last, we played a game called Octopus with a tiny square. The taggers in the middle need to say many things about what the person has. If the taggers said the things of what you have, you need to run to the other side. If you get tagged, you need to wait until someone goes under your legs. 

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to step up to an opponent. I did well on stepping over the cone. I need to improve on stepping over someone when I was playing Octopus.

Ki O Rahi

I learnt how to play Ki O Rahi.

First, we watched a video about Te Ara and Rahi.

Next, we played a game called Taniwha and Kioma. There were two teams , Taniwha and Kioma. If Chelsea called “Taniwha”, the Kioma Team needs to tag the Taniwha until they get to the end and If Chelsea called “Kioma”, the Taniwha Team needs to tag the Kioma until they get to the end.

Then, Chelsea showed us all the spaces on the field. They are Te Roto, Te Motoma, Po, Te Ao, Key, Te Ara.

Last, we played another game called Taniwha Role. There were two guardians which they had to guard the Tupu and Chelsea needed to time us 2 minutes for the others to see how many times we threw the ball at the Tupu. 

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to play Ki O Rahi. I did well. I need to improve on running on the correct side when we are playing Taniwha and Kioma.


We revised on how to use the soccer skills.

First, we needed to warm up by playing a game. We needed to challenge someone by playing rock, paper, and scissors. If you won, they got to run away and challenge someone else, if you lost you are stuck in the mud, waiting until someone comes and touches you so you could be back in the game.

Next, we revised on how to pass the ball to someone else. We got into 3 groups and made a triangle. We needed to pass the ball anticlockwise or clockwise and we needed to stop the ball by standing on it or using our inside foot to stop it. If we passed the ball anticlockwise or clockwise, we needed to make the triangle bigger.

Then, we needed to make a line and one person needed to be. We needed to use our dominant foot to aim the ball to someone so we could kick the ball straight.

Last, we played a game called Team Tag. We needed to be in a group of 5, the person who had the ball needed to pass the ball to their other teammate and try to get closer to someone and tag them. If you are the last team standing you win.

I enjoyed this activity because I revised on using soccer skills. I did well on stopping and passing. I need to improve on kicking with my left foot.


Kelly Sport

We learnt how to use soccer skills.

First, we learnt how to dribble to the other line. We needed to use both of our inside feet to dribble to the other line. 

Next, we learnt how to pass the ball to the other person. We needed to use our non-dominant foot to point to where we had to kick to. We also learnt how to stop the ball, we needed to use our inside foot to stop it. 

Last, we played a game. There are 4 teams, 2 teams on half of the side and there other 2 teams on the other half of the side. We needed to pass the ball to our team 10 and pass it to the other side of our team. 

I enjoyed it because I learnt how to use soccer skills, so I could use it while playing soccer with my step cousins and my little brother. I did well on dribbling. I need to improve to keeping the ball close to me so no one could steal it.

T-Ball skills

We revised and learned more T-Ball skills.

First, we revised playing noodle tag so we could revise batting. In the noodle tag, there are four taggers which have the noodles. The taggers need to hold the noodle like they are batting and they also need to hit their legs like how the batters hit. If we get hit by the tagger we need to stand in one leg and wait for 10 seconds.

Next, Coach Cameron taught us that the bat and ball needs to be at out belly button, our feet needs to be straight in line and spread apart, our arms needs to be out straight at the contact point. and face sideways. We played T-Ball so we could revise batting. The fielder team can touch the batter when they are running to first base, second base or third base with the ball.

Last, we switched teams to play against another team.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt more T-Ball skills. I did well on throwing the ball. I need to improve on knowing who I need to throw the ball at when I’m a fielder.


Today we learnt how to use 4 different hockey skills.

First, we learnt how to hold the hockey stick properly. Our left hand needs to hold the grip and our right hand needs to hold directly below our left hand. Then you need to bend our knees.

Next, we learnt how to dribble. We had to use the back of the hockey stick. Our ball needs to be in front of the hockey stick, push your ball flat to the left. Rotate your stick and push your ball flat to the right. Then start walking.

After, we learnt 2 skills to pass the ball. They are sweep pass and push pass. The sweep pass we had to drag the ball outside of our legs. The push pass we need to step our feet forward and push the ball with the head 

Last, we learnt how to trap the ball. We have to bend ourselves and use the long back part of the hockey stick to trap the ball. 

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to use hockey techniques. I did well on dribbling the ball. I need to improve on sweeping the ball hard.


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