Key Competencies

LI: To create a comparison of the before and after experiences at camp.

Before camp, we wrote down what we would achieve at camp by using the acronym TRUMP. The letter “T” stands for Thinking which means you have to use your own thinking on things. The letter “R” stands for Relating to others which means you have to be kind to everyone and support each other. The letter “U” stands for Using language symbols and text which means you have to use appropriate language by using gentle words. The letter “M” stands for Managing Self which means you have to take care of yourself by following instructions and being responsible for your things. The letter “P” stands for Parcitipating and Contributing which means you have to communicate and collaborate with your group to have a good teamwork. These 5 words help us to remember when to use them in every activity. When we came back from camp, we wrote down how we used the key competencies for our belongings and in the activities. 

I found this activity useful because it tells us what key competencies we will need to use in our activities.

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