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SSR Selfie – Babysitters Club

I read a book about the Babysitters Club.

First, I had to read the book for 15 minutes.

Next, I had to write the author of the book. The author for the book was Ann M. Martin.

Then, I had to write the main characters of the book. The main characters were: Kristy, Claudia, Mary, Stacey, and Dawn.

After, I had to write what happened in the story.

Last, I had to find 3 words from the book and put the meaning of it.

I enjoyed this activity because I read a book about the Babysitters Club.

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a Basic Facts can do in Multiplication in order.

My finishing time in 2 minutes and 23 seconds and I got all the answers correct.

I need to improve on my 7 and 8 times tables. I did well on getting all of the answers correct.

Commanding Conversation

I completed a can-do task called Commanding Conversation.

First, I had to pick a picture.

Next, I need to think of a name for the people that is on the picture. For an example: There are two girls on the picture so there name will be Jade and Amy.

Last, I had to type down the conversation that describes the picture.

I enjoyed this activity because I typed down a conversation on many different kind of images.


Kawa 0f care are guidelines that trains you how to keep your chromebook safe.

Our responsibilities for our chromebook is our duty to take care of our chromebook at home and at school. For an example: Some gaming sites are not good if there are ads because it will take information from our chromebook.

The school’s responsibilities for our chromebook is the school’s duty to make sure if the students are taking care of their chromebook. For an example: The school scans students account for inappropiate emails and sites.

Kawa of care keep our chromebook safe.


I played a can-do task called Anywords.

We had to put the letter of that word in the boxes. There was a mistake we made which was “hi” and “each other”. Hi was in the middle of no where and Each other is two words. Me and my partner scored a tie. We both scored 11.

I enjoyed this activity because I played against with my partner. I did well on thinking of words to put. I need to improve on one of the mistake I made.


I completed a can-do task called Solvemoji.

I had to find out how much the emoji’s are worth and finding out the answer. For an example: Drums x Drums = 100 so its 10 x 10 because it equals to 100.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt on finding out the answer by seeing how much the emoji’s are worth. I did well on answering the puzzle.

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a Basic Fact Cando in Multiplication in order.

I got all the answer correct and my finishing time in 4 minutes and 17 seconds.

I need to improve on finishing it under 4 minutes. I did well on getting all the answers correct.


Visualising is understanding the texts by creating an image in our mind of whats happening in the text.

Visualising is to help people understand the text by creating an image brain. For an example: If a person was in a exceptional boredom then saw a frog pressed in the window nearest to that person and looking at him. The image would be like a person and a frog staring at each other.

Visualising helps people create mental images in their head.

Question Answer Relationship

I revised learning QAR. The 4 question types are Right There, Think and Search, Author and Me, and On my own. Right there is that the answer can be found in the text. Think and Search is that answer is in the test but it might look different from the question. Author and Me is that the author telling you what to come up. On my own is using your own background knowledge.

First, I had to answer the first question which is “How does Bran feel when Mara is considering whether help him?”. I think its Think and Search because on the last text it said that Bran doesn’t understand why Mara helped him.

Next, I had to answer the second question which is “What genre is this story?”. I think that the genre to this story is a Fantasy.

Then, I had to answer the third question which is “What are the rules for this test?”. I think Its right there because its on the first text and it said that the rules for this test is that each child has to complete the task alone, each child must find a certain plant and each child must return by sunset.

Last, I had to answer the last question which is “What does Bran think of Mara?”. I think its Right There because its on the text but it may look different.

I enjoyed this activity because I revised learning QAR. I need to improve on putting the questions on the right category. I did well on answering the questions.


I revised learning things about Statistic.

First, we needed to answer the 4 questions. The questions were: “What is your favourite colour”, “What month you are born in”, “How many people live in your house”, and “Can you ride a bike?”

Next, we drew a tally and put all the information about all the 4 questions. For an example: What is your favourite colour? 5 people like blue, 6 people like green, 2 people like red, 2 people like purple, 1 person likes black and 2 people like brown.

Last, we needed to write what I can see on the tally and bar graph. For an example: I can see that most of the students were born in April.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt things about statistic. I did well on writing what I can see. I need to improve on drawing the bar graph properly.