Tag: Inquiry

What is a River?

LI: To identify and describe the features of the Tamaki River

This week we have been learning about what rivers are, their unique attributes and how to label them. We then created a DLO about the Tamaki river and its history. Did you know that the Tamaki River was one of the busiest rivers back in 1870s. Using our knowledge that we acquired, we showcased the features of the Tamaki river using an aerial map. We then compared the Tamaki River with a prominent river in the world. Our group chose to look at the Nile River. The Nile river is the longest river in the world that travels through 11 countries!  Finally we made a comparison of the two rivers.

We found this activity interesting because we learnt new informations about the Tamaki River and the Nile River.

Treaty of Waitangi

LI: To explore the world in 1840 and the art of the Treaty

This week we looked at what the world looked like in 1840. Did you know that Queen Victoria was the Queen of England? After this we identified some of the key people and their role in signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. I found it interesting that Hone Heke was the first person to sign the Treaty of Waitangi and he was a supporter of the Treaty of Waitangi. We then used the information from both of these activities to help us read a painting of the day the treaty was signed. We used our knowledge to infer what the artist Marcus King might have wanted us to think was happening. I found this really interesting because it helps me learn lots of informations about the Treaty of Waitangi and the painting that was made by Marcus King helped me infer so I could think what was happening on the day the Treaty of Waitangi was signed.

Explanation Transportation

I explained the parts of the vehicle I created last week.

First, I wrote down my introduction about my vehicle. For an example: I chose to fix some of the cons from the modern car and I decided to add new parts on the vehicle. This vehicle can go on land transport, rail transport and air transport.

Next, I had to explain the parts of the vehicle. For an example: I added a solar panel on top of the car so it could be powered by sunlight instead of gas because gas is bad for the environment.

Last, I had to tell why it helps society. This vehicle helps society because it uses Rail transport, Air transport, and land transport.

I enjoyed this activity because I created my own vehicle. I did well on explaining the new parts. I need to improve on explaining why it helps society.

Rail Transport

We learnt informations about Rail Transport.

First, we had to get in a group. Then we all had to write what we think a stakeholder is on a piece of paper. I think a Stakeholder is a holder that gains money from people.

Next, we had to find 10 facts about trains. For an example: One of the facts about trains is that the word Train comes from a French verb which means to draw or drag.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt informations about Trains. I did well on writing what I think a Stakeholder is. I need to improve on finding interesting facts.


I learned what Transportations are. Transportation is helping passenger driving or taking a thing to another place/country like cars, boats, planes and trains.

First, we learnt the 4 modes of transportation. The 4 modes of transportations are land, sea, air and rails. Land are vehicles that drives on the road. Sea are vehicles that drives on water. Rails are vehicles that drives on track.

Next, we had to brainstorm lots vehicles that drives on land, sea, air and rails and write it down on a paper. For an example: Vehicles that drives on land are cars, motorcycle, van, bus, trucks, bikes, scooter, and more.

Then, I had to make a copy of a google slide. I had to think of a vehicle that drives on land, sea, air and rails and I need to write a description about it. Then I had to find a picture of that vehicle and I had to attribute it.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt new kinds of vehicles. I need to improve on explaining the description. I did well on attributing the image.

Skits Video

We recorded a skit video.

First, my group and I had to fix some parts and we added one more character in the Google Doc. 

Next, my group and I practised our script. Brooke is Ida who is the bully, Ane is Diola who is the backup for her friend, and Siniva is Donatienne who is the person who is getting bullied by Ida.

Lastly, we had recorded our skits. We recorded our skits outside and we had to get one person to record us because the actors are me, Ane, and Siniva.

I enjoyed this activity because we recorded a skit video. I did well on acting. I need to improve on speaking louder.


I learnt how to write a skit.

First, we needed to think of a message. My group’s message is: Be confident and face your bully.

Next, we had to find a name for our 2 characters and write their description. The two characters and their description are as follows. Ida is a mean girl, who always bullies Diola. Another character is Diola and she is very nice and kind to others.

After that, we typed down what the characters are going to say and their actions. 

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to write a skit. I did well on typing down the script. I need to improve on making a script that suits to the message.

Story Types

There are 4 types of story types which they are Myths, Legend, Fairytales and Fables.

Myths is a story showing how the world works. For an example: Southern Lights is a legend because it shows where lights came from.

Legend is a story with events or people. For an example: Tsuru no Ongaeshi is a myth because it shows an old man showing kindness to a crane.

Fairytales is a story with fantastic creatures. For an example: The Kakangora is a Fairytale because it shows a creature that is in Solomon Islands.

Fables is a story showing a moral story and teaching a lesson. For an example: Rata me te Rakau is a fable because it shows a man cutting down a tree without showing respect to nature.

Myths, Legend, Fairytales and Fables are the 4 story types, each of these types has different functions.

Cultural Stories

I made a google map and plot where the culture stories are from.

First, I read 4 stories. The stories I read were: Rua and Te Manu, Hinemoa and Tutanekai, The Kakangora, and Tsuru no Ongaeshi.

Next, I need to write down the summary of the 4 stories I read. For an example: I put the summary for Rua and Te Manu. Rua always warned Te Manu to not paddle far and beware of the Tangaroa, but Te Manu paddled too far. Rua had to go find him and then he found a whare under the sea and saw his son fixed on top of the whare. Tekoteko told Rua that he needs to defeat the Tangaroa to get his son back. After defeating the Tangaroa, Rua got his son back.

Last, I added the image or a video.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt new culture stories. I did well on plotting where the stories is from. I need to improve on summarising.

Cultural Stories

I learnt new cultural stories.

First, my partner and I read the first story that was about Rata Me te Rakau The story about Rata Me Te Rakau is that a person name Rata needs to find a tall and straight tree to carry his people away from the battle of Tawhirimatea and Tangaroa. When Rata found a perfect tree, he started cutting and went back home but when he came back the tree was all tall and straight because he did not respect the nature.

Next, my partner and I read the second story that was about Rua and Te Manu. The story about Rua and Te manu is that Rua always warn Te Manu to keep safe but one day Te Manu paddled too far. Rua went to find him and bring him back home. He saw a whare and decided to go there and then he saw Te Manu on top of the Whare. Rua had to do the things he was told to, then he set the whare in fire and got his son back.

Last, my partner and I read third story that was about The Kakangora. The story about The Kakangaora is that in the next morning, the villager went outside to pick up some ripe nuts but there was nothing on the ngali tree. They decided to catch the The Kakangaora. After they caught the Kakangaora, everyone started arguing because they all have different ideas. The Kakanroga cut the eel trap then ran away. When they finally stopped arguing, they saw the Kakanroga was gone.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt new cultural stories. I did well on knowing what happened. I need to improve on knowing the message.