Tag: Writing

How to write a Simile

Follow these instructions if you wanna know how to write a simile.


  • Chromebook
  • Paper and Pen/Pencil


  1. Think of a thing that compares each other then add as in the sentence. For an example: She is as lazy as a cat.
  2. There is another version that is just like as but you just need to remove the as and then add like. For an example: Her body froze like ice.

Persuasive Speech

We gave our speech to each other.

First, I checked if my speech had a spelling mistake or if it makes sense and then I had to practise saying my speech.

Next, we got into a group of 4 in year groups. We gave our speech to each other and we had to mark from 1 to 4.

Then we need to see who has the highest mark so they could present in front of the class against the other winners.

I enjoyed this activity because I gave a speech that was about Littering. I did well on projecting my voice. I need to improve on giving expressions.

Persuasive Speech

The structure for a Persuasive Speech is OREO. 

O stands for Opinion. Opinion is telling what your idea was about the topic. For an example: Littering is not good because it’s harmful for the environment.

R and E stands for Reason and Explanation. Reason is telling the reason why you thought about that. Explanation is explaining your reason. For an example: Some animals can’t tell if rubbish is food or not, if the animals eat rubbish it would kill them because it blocks their stomach.

O stands for Opinion. Opinion is telling what your idea was about the topic at the end. For an example: If littering continues, the environment would get worse.

Editing Sentences

I completed a writing activity.

First, we played Kahoot for a warm up. We had to name 30 logos.

Next, I had a writing task I had to complete, it was Editing Sentences. I had to read through the sentences so I could spot the mistakes.

Last, I fixed all the mistakes that was in the sentences.

I enjoyed this activity because I edited the sentences so it could make sense. I did well on fixing the mistakes that was in the sentences. I need to improve on checking the sentences properly.

Imaginative Recount

We learnt how to write our own narrative film.

First, we needed to choose 3 different text type, which are: Narrative Planner, Simple Recount Planner, Information Report Planner. My partner and I chose a Simple Recount Planner. We had to think of a topic, our topic was Grandma’s Haunted House. There was 2 main character, they were Lina and the Grandma.

Next, we typed down 3 main events and My partner and I also have to add a conversation. For an example: Lina moved into her Grandma’s house without knowing it’s haunted. Lina said “Hello, Grandma.” Then the Grandma said “Hello sweetie. Did your mum drop you off?” Lina said “Oh yes, she did.” Grandma said “Okay, come in, I’ll give you a tour of my house.” 

Last, we typed down the ending. For an example: At midnight, Lina went to bed while she was sleeping she heard a creepy screaming sound coming from her grandma’s room. She walked in there and saw her grandma with the star circle with candles around. 

I enjoyed this activity because I typed down my own Imaginative Recount. I did well on writing down the events. I need to improve on typing down the ending.


I wrote down my own Explanation of How a Electric Automatic Pencil Shaperner works.

First, we needed to pick a topic, my topic is How an Electric Automatic Pencil Sharpener works.

Next, I needed to explain the relationships, I needed to explain when the Pencil in and Push pencil. My relationships were: When you put the pencil in, the motor turned on but nothing happened to the pencil” and “When you push the pencil, the motor turns on and the pencil sharpens.”

Last, I wrote down my summary. My summary were: The Electric Automatic Pencil Sharpener is important because it’s easier and faster to sharpen

I enjoyed this activity because I wrote down my own Explanation. I did well on explaining the relationships. I need to improve on thinking of a topic.


I learnt how to write an Explanation.

First, I needed to pick a topic, my topic is How an Electric Automatic Pencil Sharpener works.

Next, I needed to plan an explanation. I needed to write down my introduction, my introduction was: Ledah-11222 electric pencil sharpener. Then, I needed to explain the relationships, the relationships I needed to explain were: Pencil in and the Push Pencil. Afterwards, I needed to write down my summary. My summary was: The Electric Automatic Pencil Sharpener is important because it’s easier and faster to sharpen.

Last, I needed to write down my explanation of How an Electric Automatic Pencil Sharpener works.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to write down an explanation. I did well on planning. I need to improve on writing down the explanation properly.


Explanation is for people to know how an objects work.

The purpose of an Explanation is to tell how something works or functions.

The structure of the Explanation is TIES. T stands for Title. I stands for Introduction. E stands for Explain. S stands for Summary.

The language features are third person, present simple tense, cause and effect words. For an example: Cause and Effect words are When, If, Then, So, and Because.

Explanation helps people how an object works.

Diagram Labelling

Diagrams show information about how something looks or works.

Diagrams are basic pictures that use labels and arrows to explain objects. Basic pictures or line drawings are used to minimise confusion. The slide below shows a simple tree with four parts. 

Labels are words that are attached on the picture to explain what are the parts of the image. Using arrows are used so the audience knows which part you are talking about. On the three slides it shows the arrow pointing the parts on the image.

Drawings show objects in an aesthetic way.

How to write down a Procedural Text

Follow these instructions to learn how to write down a Procedural Text.


  • Pen/Pencil
  • Book


  1. Write down the Title about what you will be teaching.
  2. Write down the End Result.
  3. Write down the Materials to see what the audience needs.
  4. Put a Picture in this way the audience will be knowing what will they be learning.
  5. Write down the steps.