Tag: Writing

Procedural Text

A procedural text is telling the reader the steps of what they are going to be making/doing. The structure is TEMPS.

Title is the name of the work.

End result is telling the reader what they will be making/doing something.

Materials are listing the things/materials people need to make/do something for the procedure.

Pictures and Steps are numbering the list of steps on what people need to do/make and putting a picture so people could know what they are doing/making.

A procedural text is telling the reader the steps of what they are going to be making/doing.

Recount Draft

I learnt how to convert an imaginative recount plan into a draft.

First, we choose our ideas from our recount plan to type down our Reveal into a draft.

Next, we typed down our ideas for our event 1 2 3 into a draft and I need to match my events from my recount plan. We needed to type down the exciting part on event 2 and 3. We also needed to add a conversation.

Last, I typed down our ideas for our ending into a draft.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to write down a Recount Draft. I did well on writing down my event 1 2 3. I need to improve on putting a format on my conversations.

Complex Sentence

We learnt what Complex Sentences are.

First, we revised our Verb Tense which were Simple, Continuous and Perfect and we also revised our simple tense which they are Past, Present and Future.

Next, we learnt what was a complex sentences, A complex sentence needs to have 2 subject, 2 verbs and a Aaawwubbis. The Aaawwubbis are: as, although, while, unless, when, because, before, after, if and since. A complex sentence also have a independent clause and a dependent clause.

Last, we created a two-cell comics using photos and we needed to type complex sentences using the perfect state.

I enjoyed this activty because what Complex Sentences are. I did well on typing down the complex sentence. I need to improve on remembering using the Aaawwubbis conjuction.

Simple Sentences

We learnt how to write simple sentences.

First, we revised our Verb Tense from last week which were Simple, Continuous and Perfect and we also revised our simple tense which they are Past, Present and Future.

Next, we learnt what is Simple Sentences is one complete sentences. Simple Sentences needs to have subject, verb, and object. The subject is the actor, the verb is the action and the object is the receiver of the action.

Last, we have to write 3 simple sentences. The 3 simple sentences are Past Simple, Present Simple and Future Simple.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to write a simple sentences. I did well on knowing how to write simple sentences. I need to improve on writing a Present Simple sentences.

Verb State

We learned how to use the continuous and perfect states in sentences.

First, we needed to figured out what the following sentences mean and what state they are. For an example: Mary competes in triathlons. The state was simple and the sentence meaning is Mary does triathlons sometimes but not right now.

Next, we needed to plan what action we should use and what 3 states we can show in sentences. We should write on the piece of paper.

Last, we needed to take a picture of ourselves doing the actions.

I enjoyed this activity because I learned what does Simple, Continuous and Perfect means. I did well on doing the action. I needed to improve on using the states in sentences.

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