Treasure Hunt

I completed a Summer Learning Journey activity called Treasure Hunt.

First, I had to watch Nano Girl’s video so I could make the materials when I can’t find the exact materials I need.

Next, I had to find the materials that I needed from the equipment list. I got all of the materials I needed but I didn’t had a tube and a string so I decided to make a tube and I used a long grass as a string.

Last, I made a labelled diagram of all the materials I collected from the equipment list.

I enjoyed this activity because I revised playing Treasure Hunt. I did well on making the things I needed. I need to improve on finding the materials I needed.

2 thoughts on “Treasure Hunt

  1. Kia ora Sinivia. Fantastic job getting started on earning some points in the Summer Learning Journey. You’re off to a great start with Nano Girl’s first challenge. I think the way you have labelled all of these items in the scavenger hunt is nice and clear. Keep up the awesome work, and keep earning those points yeeow!
    – Mr Goodwin

    1. Malo e lelei Mr Goodwin.
      Thank for commenting on my Summer Learning Journery blog post. I’m quite happy that I’m starting to earning some points! Yes, I use bright colours to make people see clear.

      Thank you again!!
      Siniva Taumoepeau

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