Month: December 2022

Commanding Conversation

I completed a can-do task called Commanding Conversation.

First, I had to pick an image.

Next, I had to pick a name for the people that is on the screen. For an example: The boys on the image are Jack, Chester and Lucas.

Last, I has to write a conversation that describes the image.

I enjoyed this activity because. I did well on writing my own conversation. I need to improve on checking on the sentence if it makes sense.

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a basic fact can-do in Addition in random.

My finishing time was 2 minutes and 14 seconds and I got all the answers correct.

I did well on getting all the answers correct, I need to improve on finishing it under 2 minutes.

Super Seesaw

I completed a summer learning journey task called Super Seesaw.

First, I watched a video on how to make a seesaw on our own.

Next, I collected the materials I needed. The materials I need are: A tube, a string, and a spoon. We didn’t had any spoon at school, so I decided to use a ruler and put the cup on the end of the ruler so it could look like a spoon.

Last, I recorded myself attempting at launching. I took me 10 attempts to score.

I enjoyed this activity because I made my own super seesaw. I did well on finding the materials I needed. I need to improve on making the string more tighter.

Space Shuttle Orbiter

I revised on what I have learned over the past 3 weeks.

First, my group had to pick a technology we want to learn about. We decided to learn about the Space Shuttle Orbiter, we had to make a timeline of it.

Next, we had to find out the purpose, users, and stakeholders of the space shuttle orbiter and we had to write notes on our books about the facts we have researched.

Then, we had to find out the controversy of the space shuttle orbiter and then we had to create a podcast audio of it.

Last, we had to make an interactive report of it. We decided to make a quiz about the space shuttle orbiter, we had to plan on making our quiz before making our quiz.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt lots of information about the space shuttle orbiter. I did well on finding out the controversy. I need to improve on finding the purpose, users and stakeholders.

One Line Artwork – Step it up

I completed a summer learning journey task called One Line Artwork (Step it up).

First, I drew the bird in one line by using the scribble tool.

Next, I coloured it in. Here is the meaning of the colours if you don’t know: The colour blue means that they are happy. The colour red means that is in danger. The colour green means is that other birds are okay.

I enjoyed this activity because I like drawing. I did well on drawing. I need to improve on choosing a better colour.

One Line Artwork – Kickstart

I completed a summer learning task called One Line Artwork.

First, I watched a video of 15 easy lines.

Next, I tried finding a drawing that I should draw in one line. I decided to draw a bird.

Last, I drew a bird in one line so it could represent stuff about birds. The colour blue means that they are happy. The colour red means that is in danger. The colour green means is that other birds are okay.

I enjoyed this activity because I like drawing. I did well on drawing in one line. I need to improve on explaning why I chose the colours and the line choices.

It’s Cool to be kind – Step it up

I completed a summer learning journey task called It’s Cool to be kind. (Step it up)

First, I had to pick a blog post to comment on, I had to comment in Te Reo Maori.

Next, I had to make a copy of a Google Slide and then read some of the tips to learn how to write a Maori comment.

Last, I posted my comment on Bethany’s Blog Post.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to write a comment in Te Reo Maori. I did well on writing a comment in Te Reo Maori. I need to improve on writing a hepful feedback.

Poetry Slam – Step It Up

I completed another summer learning journey task called Poetry Slam (Step it up)

First, I looked at three examples that was made by Kylah (Magnectic Poem), Irelyn (Summer life), and Sahil (Tanka).

Next, I had to pick one of the poems from the example to peform, I decided to choose Sahil’s poem. Then, I had to go in a quiet place and perform his poem.

I enjoyed this activity because I revised reading poems. I did well on speaking. I need to improve  on speaking the last sentence.


It’s Cool to be kind – Kickstart

I completed a summer learning journey task called It’s Cool to be kind.

First, I had to pick a blog post to comment on.

Next, I had to create my comment on a Good Document. I needed a Greetings, Positive Feedback, Helpful Feedback, Thoughtful Comment, Make a Connection and she had to ask a question.

Lastly, I posted my comment on Ane’s Blog Post.

I enjoyed this activity because. I did well on writing my comment. I need to improve on writing a hepful feedback.


I learnt how to measure temperatures.

First, we filled up the sink with hot water, the temperature was 42 celsius and then we put the ice pack in the water to see how the temperature cooldown.

Next, we had to wait for every 5 minutes and then every two person in the group has to go and read the thermomter.

Last, when it has been over 45 minutes, the tempurature was still 26 celsius. I think that it went flat because it the water got warmer but the actual reason is that the ice pack finished melting so it couldn’t cooldown.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to measure temperatures. I did well on reading the thermomter. I need to improve on knowing the reason why the thermomter stopped at 26 celsius.