Year: 2022

How to Make a Marble Maze

Follow these instruction if you wanna know how to make a marble maze.


  • Your A4 Maze
  • Hard Board
  • Pen/Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Straws
  • Glue


  1. Create your maze on a google slide (It has to be  21 x 29.7 centimetres)
  2. Print your maze.
  3. Glue your maze on a A4 hard board
  4. Cut the straws as the same size as the lines that is on your maze.
  5. Glue your straw on the lines
  6. If your finish, get your marble and play with it

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a Basic Facts can-do in Multiplication in order.

My finishing time was 2 minutes and 17 seconds and I got all the answers correct.

I did well on getting all the answers correct. I need to improve on finishing it under 2 minutes.

Kelly Sport

We played 3 games.

First, we played a mini obstacle course. We had to run in Zig Zag, jumping over the orange bar, do 5 star jumps, run straight and then skip walking.

Next, we played infinite tag. To play the game, if someone tag someone else, they have to sit down and wait until that person gets tagged so that person could be back into the game.

Last, we played Golden Child. There are 2 teams, 1 person from each team has to run, do 5 squats and then when they meet each other, they had to do rock, paper, scissors. If one of the person won on rock, paper, scissor, they have run to the other teams bases and the next person goes.

I enjoyed this activity because we played 3 games. I did well on playing rock, paper, scissors. I need to improve on skip walking.


I learnt how to be inclusive to people. Inclusive is letting someone in a group by saying something to them or giving them your equipment.

First, I had to remember the time that I was being inclusive to someone. When we were in a group, we had to have a discussion but one of them wasn’t talking because they didn’t know what to do. I decided to ask “Do you need help?”  and then I started teaching them what to do.

Next, I had to think about the benefits of being inclusive to someone. The benefits of being inclusive to someone is making new friends, being nice, and making them feel comfortable.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to be inclusive. I did well on being inclusive. I need to improve on knowing the benefits of being inclusive.


Commenting Thread

I learnt how to comment on other people’s blogs.

First, my partner had to comment on my Time blog post. She had to comment a Greetings, Positive Feedback, Helpful Feedback, Thoughtful Comment, Make a Connection and she had to ask a question.

Next, I had to reply to her comment by answering her question and then I also had to ask her a question. For an example: Her question was “Do you know why clocks exist?” and then I answered “Clock exists so we can know the time.”

I enjoyed this activity because. I did well on writing a comment. I need to improve on adding more information.

Car Design

I designed my own vehicle.

First, we had to brainstorm the pros and cons for each of the vehicles. For an example: Cons for the horse and cart, the horse would get tired from walking and pros for the modern car is that it can go over long distances.

Next, we had to pick one of the cons from one of the vehicles. For example: Cars are powered by gas so we decided to put a solar panel on top of the car so it could be controlled by the sunlight.

Last, we had to design our own vehicle. I decided to put 5 small wheels so it could go on rails, wings so it could fly on air, and solar panels so it could be powered by sunlight.

I enjoyed this activity because I created my own vehicle. I need to improve on adding more parts. I did well on designing my vehicle.

How to write an Information Report and Explanation

Follow these instruction if you wanna know how to write an Information Report and an Explanation.


  • Pen/Pencil
  • Book
  • Chromebook

Steps: (How to write an Information Report)

  1. Think of a topic.
  2. Write your title so the reader could know what is your topic.
  3. Write the introduction so the reader could know what your telling about.
  4. Write the information about your topic, also you can only use third person.
  5. Write the conclusion, you have to evaluate the information you have written.

Steps: (How to write an Explanation)

  1. Think of a topic.
  2. Write your title so the reader could know what is your topic.
  3. Write the introductions so the reader could know what mechanism you are explaning.
  4. Explain how the parts of that mechanismworks.
  5. Write a summary.


We made a podcast audio if the space shuttle orbiters are good or bad.

First, we needed to write down notes about the space shuttle orbiter disaster. One of the notes we typed is: The space shuttle orbiter exploded just in 73 seconds after blasting off because the tempurature in one of the main engines was overheating.

Next, we typed down our script. The sentence I had to say is “It is a good transportation but there were two accident that has crashed 3,700 fatal cars.”

Last, we created our podcast audio.

I enjoyed this activity because because I learnt stuff about the space shuttle orbiter disaster. I did well on taking notes. I need to improve on speaking properly.



The Structure for a Narrative Paragraph is TOPES.

T stands for Title. Title is the name of the story.

O stands for Orientation. Orientation is introducing the main characters and where the world is set in. For an example: There was a little girl, the Red Little Riding Hood who was going to visit her Grandmother because she was sick.

P Stands for Problem. Problem is showing the issue for the main character. For an example: There was a Big Bad Wolf that lives in the forest.

E stands for event. Event is explaining what is happening in the story. For an example: The Red Little Riding Hood was preparing food for her grandmother in a basket and then she began walking in the forest because that is where her grandmother lives.

S stands for Solution. Solution is how they solved the problem. For an example: Then the woodsman came and saved the Red Little Riding Hood and the Grandmother from the Big Bad Wolf.

Narrative can be used to write a story.

Commanding Conversation

I completed a can-do task called Commanding Conversation.

First, I had to pick an image.

Next, I had to think of a name for the people that is on the image. For an example: There are 2 girls in the picture, sp there name would be Sage and Sophie.

Last, I had to type in a conversation that describes the image.

I enjoyed this activity because I typed down a conversation on many different kind of images.