How to write an Information Report and Explanation

Follow these instruction if you wanna know how to write an Information Report and an Explanation.


  • Pen/Pencil
  • Book
  • Chromebook

Steps: (How to write an Information Report)

  1. Think of a topic.
  2. Write your title so the reader could know what is your topic.
  3. Write the introduction so the reader could know what your telling about.
  4. Write the information about your topic, also you can only use third person.
  5. Write the conclusion, you have to evaluate the information you have written.

Steps: (How to write an Explanation)

  1. Think of a topic.
  2. Write your title so the reader could know what is your topic.
  3. Write the introductions so the reader could know what mechanism you are explaning.
  4. Explain how the parts of that mechanismworks.
  5. Write a summary.

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