Day: December 16, 2022

Space Shuttle Orbiter

I revised on what I have learned over the past 3 weeks.

First, my group had to pick a technology we want to learn about. We decided to learn about the Space Shuttle Orbiter, we had to make a timeline of it.

Next, we had to find out the purpose, users, and stakeholders of the space shuttle orbiter and we had to write notes on our books about the facts we have researched.

Then, we had to find out the controversy of the space shuttle orbiter and then we had to create a podcast audio of it.

Last, we had to make an interactive report of it. We decided to make a quiz about the space shuttle orbiter, we had to plan on making our quiz before making our quiz.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt lots of information about the space shuttle orbiter. I did well on finding out the controversy. I need to improve on finding the purpose, users and stakeholders.

One Line Artwork – Step it up

I completed a summer learning journey task called One Line Artwork (Step it up).

First, I drew the bird in one line by using the scribble tool.

Next, I coloured it in. Here is the meaning of the colours if you don’t know: The colour blue means that they are happy. The colour red means that is in danger. The colour green means is that other birds are okay.

I enjoyed this activity because I like drawing. I did well on drawing. I need to improve on choosing a better colour.

One Line Artwork – Kickstart

I completed a summer learning task called One Line Artwork.

First, I watched a video of 15 easy lines.

Next, I tried finding a drawing that I should draw in one line. I decided to draw a bird.

Last, I drew a bird in one line so it could represent stuff about birds. The colour blue means that they are happy. The colour red means that is in danger. The colour green means is that other birds are okay.

I enjoyed this activity because I like drawing. I did well on drawing in one line. I need to improve on explaning why I chose the colours and the line choices.