It’s Cool to be kind – Kickstart

I completed a summer learning journey task called It’s Cool to be kind.

First, I had to pick a blog post to comment on.

Next, I had to create my comment on a Good Document. I needed a Greetings, Positive Feedback, Helpful Feedback, Thoughtful Comment, Make a Connection and she had to ask a question.

Lastly, I posted my comment on Ane’s Blog Post.

I enjoyed this activity because. I did well on writing my comment. I need to improve on writing a hepful feedback.

2 thoughts on “It’s Cool to be kind – Kickstart

  1. Mōrena Sinvia,

    This is Zana from the Summer Learning Journey. Awesome to see you starting off your summer strong with a couple of slj activities. I really enjoy this activity because it is great to see everyone spreading some kindness through positive, thoughtful and helpful comments.

    You left an awesome comment on Ane’s blog with some great details and feedback showing that you really read through their post. You also left an awesome question, I would definitely rather live in the hottest country so it can be summer weather all year round. What about you?

    Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing more of your posts.
    Ka kite anō,
    Zana Yates

    1. Malo e lelei Zana
      Thank so much for commenting on my blog! Yes, I also like seeing everyone spreading kindness to each other. I’m happy that you like how I left a comment on Ane’s blog post. I think I would like also like to live in the hottest country.

      Thank you!!
      From Siniva Taumoepeau

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